Jo Minney

Jo Minney

Jo Minney is a WordPress developer based (for now) in Perth, Western Australia. She is passionate about UX, data-driven decision making, cats and travel – not necessarily in that order. She is also an ambassador for She Codes Australia, the coordinator for the Perth WordPress meetup and the lead organiser for WordCamp Perth 2020. In her non-existent free time, Jo also consults with the federally funded Australian Small Business Advisory Service providing accessible advice and training to Aussie small business owners. She is easily recognisable by her bright purple hair and dorky glasses.

  • Git amongst it! Version control for WordPress coders

    Whether because many WordPress developers are self-taught, or because using Git with WordPress poses some unique challenges – lots of WordPress developers are missing out by not having this fantastic tool in their arsenal!

    October 6, 2019 at 1:45 pm AEDT in Room 2
    Advanced, Tech
