Dee Teal

Dee Teal

Dee has been using WordPress as a blogger since 2008, as a web developer since 2009, and has transitioned to being a Project Manager (PM) for large-scale WordPress projects as a ‘Human’ with Human Made where she leads their team of PMs.

Dee is a huge fan of the WordPress community, has organised many WordPress events in Australia, and speaks at WordCamps and meetups whenever she gets the opportunity, both at home and around the world.

  • Project Management Principles for your Mental Health

    Whether you work alone as a freelancer or solopreneur, as a product maker, a developer, content writer, home maker, blogger, or business owner, there will be times you have to deliver things. It may be a product, it may be a renovation, it may be a website, a bunch of cakes for the PTA cake …

    Beginner, Health and Wellbeing
